It is no longer sufficient to simply follow the prescribed course and mark the appropriate responses on an examination's answer sheet. Online learning is far more flexible, allowing learners to select the subjects and methods they wish to study. Users are free to select among real-time sessions and videos, and if they want, they can practice several skills at once. If in case students are busy with other chores, they can avail the service of paying someone to do my online class for me. The recruiting for institutes and several counselling meetings are reduced to simply registering online. Instead, many online colleges also provide courses in similar fields in bundle containers, making learning fun and simple. Learners can share knowledge because of the space offered when learning online with fellow learners in specific communities and services. Because they come from different countries, they can learn more by reflecting with each other. A student can receive an individualized curriculum with online tutoring. In some cases, they can plan the specific time they will study and, after looking at the profile of the coach, decide the specific coach they want.